Ministries of Service & Support

Whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant…For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve…

Mark 10:43,45
Anytime one goes to a movie, there is always a very carefully edited beginning which usually includes the movie company's name, the movie title, the starring actors, the directors, etc....  At the end of the film there is a list of credits which fly by so fast you can hardly make out any names at all.  Often people leave the theater before these credits are finished.  These are the jobs and responsibilities that often go unnoticed behind the scenes.  These jobs do not receive top billing, yet if you asked the actors and directors and producers, they will tell you just how critical these people are.  There would be no movie without them.

It is the same in any enterprise, including the church, except in the church we are taught by Paul that these ministries, which may seem to some as less important, are actually given more honor (1 Corinthians 12:23).  There is a reason for that.  Christ taught us that service is the highest of all callings.  Even the Son of man came not to be served but to serve (Mark 10:45).  If we are to accomplish the work of Christ, we must be willing to be servants, seeking only the glory of God, not our own.  The ministries of support and service are critical to the work of Christ.  Whether its assisting in the office or trimming the bushes around the building, each job is done out of a love for Christ and respect and commitment to the work of his church.  As you look over these ministries, you may find just the right task you feel you can contribute to Christ's work at Quaker Avenue.

Office Assistance

There are several opportunities to assist the office staff in a variety of clerical tasks both weekly and for special occasions (e.g. assembling weekly publications and placing in mailboxes, publishing bi-annual church directories, church brochures etc.)

Audio/Tape Library

Each week our lessons are recorded, filed and copies made available for members.

Church History & Records

There are many difference historical records that are kept and maintained at Quaker including documents, pictures, archives etc…  These are especially valuable to share and put on display at our homecomings.

Communion Preparation

Each week there is need to prepare the communion which will be served during the worship service on Sunday.

Building/Grounds Upkeep

There are many ongoing tasks needed to be done to maintain the building and property (mowing, weeding, parking lot striping and repair, painting, baptistery maintenance etc.).  Also, at least once a year, members are encouraged to participate in an all-church cleanup weekend.

Media Ministry

For each service, and for special programs, there is need for people to operate the sound and lighting equipment as well as projecting powerpoing and other types of video on screen. Our services are also streamed throughout the building and for those unable to attend.  Training is available for those who choose to serve in this ministry.